Yes, I’m alive.
I’ve arrived on Thursday around 11pm (JST) to my apartment. Narita was fun, I sat in the waiting room listening to peoples’ conversations ー everyone assumed I didn’t understand Japanese (I am a gaijin after all). Waiting for me with the absolutely cutiest sign with my name on it (too cute actually! このサインを見たとき、「私です、これ」って言った) at Centrair were two girls ready to take me home. They both didn’t understand English much at all … instantly I was thrown in Japanese (!). でもぉー、日本語で話すのはすっごく面白いだ!初めて日本にいっても、初めて日本語でたくさんしゃべても、あのう、すっごく面白い。でもさ、ちょっと難し い、毎日毎日日本語だけで話す。懸命頑張る!
I don’t have internet access from my place and I won’t be provided with a login to the school’s labs for another week, but there’s an internet cafe (とってもすごいだ!「マンガ店」という) and today I’ve found one of the other students who’s been here already for 6 months has internet access from his place. So here I am tonight
I have pictures, I have 時差惚け (少し), I still have money sorta, what I’m missing is the internet.