Since maybe this last weekend, I’ve been completely stopped up ― much worse than my sister’s ‘stapations. So yesterday, while shopping at Aoki Super, I decided to remedy this problem: I bought milk.
I bought a liter of milk my first week here. The milk is incrediblely tasty. It’s really, really, really good actually. The details of the milk process here, I think, is similar to that of EU. I don’t know; the container (which is marked “pura” of course ― recyclable) doesn’t detail how the milk was made ― err, extracted.
Yesterday evening, like that first time I bought milk, it runs right through me like a freight train. Like a magic bean, 1~2 hours after drinking a glass and I’m running for the toilet room.
Sure enough, it worked again like magic.
I was going everywhere: the floor, the walls, the ceiling, the door; I was going everywhere except in the toilet! And the whole time I was doing so with a big grin on my face, knowing that I’ve solved my clogged pipes. I almost felt lighter afterwards.
Magic cows indeed.
If you’ve never been to Japan before, when you come be sure to have some milk and clear your plans for the rest of the day.